Articles in Refereed Journals
98. “Nanoscale Corrosion Barrier for Silver Museum Artifacts by Atomic Layer Deposition”, Amy Marquardt, Eric M. Breitung, Richard Ash, Terry Drayman-Weisser, Glenn Gates, and R. J. Phaneuf, in preparation (2018).
97. “Orientation of tetranitro zinc phthalocyanine and phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester molecules, pure and mixed deposited on semiconductors surfaces”, Miriam Cezza, and R. J. Phaneuf, in preparation (2018)
96.“Crystallization of phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester from tetranitro zinc phthalocyanine/phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester molecular mixtures on Si(111) during slow rates of solvent evaporation”, Miriam Cezza, Colin S. Qualters, R. J. Phaneuf, in preparation (2018)
95. “Relaxation of Surface Nano-Patterns on Poly Alpha Methyl Styrene during Annealing above the Glass Transition Temperature”, Tsung-Cheng Lin, Robert L. Bruce, Gottlieb S. Oehrlein, Brian K. Long, C. Grant Willson, Hung-Chih Kan and R. J. Phaneuf, in preparation (2018)
94.”Effective Lifetimes and Reversibility of Atomic Layer Deposited Diffusion Barrier Films for Preserving Silver Artifacts”, Amy E. Marquardt, Eric Breitung, Glenn Gates, Richard Ash, Terry Drayman-Weisser, and Raymond J. Phaneuf, in preparation (2018)
93.”Diffusivity Model for Protecting Silver Artifacts using Atomic Layer Deposited Diffusion Barrier Films”, Amy E. Marquardt, Damiano Giubertoni, Glenn Gates, Eric Breitung, Terry Drayman-Weisser, and Raymond J. Phaneuf, in preparation (2018)
92. “Assembly of PCBM and tn-ZnPc molecular domains and phase separation of molecular mixtures from liquid solution on Si (111)”, Miriam Cezza, Colin S. Qualters, and Raymond J. Phaneuf, Langmuir 33 13657-13668 (2017)
91. “Protecting silver cultural heritage objects with atomic layer deposited corrosion barriers,” Amy E. Marquardt, Eric M. Breitung, Terry Drayman-Weisser, Glenn Gates, and R. J. Phaneuf, Heritage Science, 3, 1 (2015)
90. “Nanostructured TiO2 for stone coating: assessing compatibility with basic stone’s properties and photocatalytic effectiveness,” M. Lettieri, A. Licciulli, Amy E. Marquardt, W. Freedman, R. Phaneuf, A. Calia, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 1-14 (2015)
89.“Extended extinction spectrum from gold nanopillar arrays: absorbance vs. scattering in a bulk heterojunction organic solar cell,” S.-J. Tsai, M. Ballarotto, and R. J. Phaneuf, Energies 8, 1547-1560 (2015)
88. “Directed Kinetic Self-Assembly of Mounds on Patterned GaAs(001): Tunable Arrangement, Pattern Amplification and Self-Limiting Growth”, Chuan-Fu Lin, Hung-Chih Kan, S. Kanakaraju, C.J.K. Richardson, and R.J Phaneuf, Nanomaterials 4, 344 (2014)
87. “Impact of Interface Roughness on the Fabrication of Broadband Blackbody Absorber Based on Dielectric-Thin Metal Film Multilayers”, Shy-Hauh Guo, Andrei B. Sushkov, Dong Hun Park, H. Dennis Drew, Paul W. Kolb, Warren N. Herman, and Raymond J. Phaneuf, Optics Express 22, 1952-1962 (2014)
86. “Characterization of Atomic Layer Deposited Films as Diffusion Barriers for Silver Art Objects”, (invited) A. E. Marquardt, E. M. Breitung, T. Drayman-Weisser, G. Gates, G. W. Rubloff, and R. J. Phaneuf, ECS Transactions, 58, 277 (2013)
85. “Growth instability on GaAs(001): Evidence for Large Characteristic Length Scale,” Chuan-Fu Lin, Hung-Chih Kan, S. Kanakaraju, C.J. Richardson, R.J Phaneuf, Journal of Crystal Growth, 381, 83 (2013)
84. “Broadband and Mid-Infrared Absorber Based on Dielectric-Thin Metal Film Multilayers,” Timothy D. Corrigan, Dong Hun Park, H. Dennis Drew, Shy-Hauh Guo, Paul W. Kolb, , W. N. Herman, and Raymond J. Phaneuf, Applied Optics, 51, 1109 (2012).
83. “Direct and quantitative evidence for buckling instability as a mechanism for roughening of polymer during plasma etching”, T.-C. Lin, R. L. Bruce, G. S. Oehrlein, R. J. Phaneuf, and H.-C. Kan, Applied Physics Letters 100, 233113 (2012)
82. “Directing Self Assembly of Nanostructures Kinetically: Patterning and the Ehrlich Schwoebel Barrier,” Chuan-Fu Lin, Ajmi BH Hammouda, Hung-Chih Kan, N.C. Bartelt and R J Phaneuf, Physical Review B 85, 085421 (2012)
81. “Diffusion of a Ga adatom on the GaAs(001)–c(4×4)–heterodimer surface: A first-principles study,” J.L. Roehl, S. Aravelli, S.V. Khare, and R.J. Phaneuf, Surface Science 606 1303 (2012)
80. “Suppression of long-range collective effects in meta-surfaces formed by plasmonic antenna pairs”, S. Mousavi, S. Hossein, Alexander B. Khanikaev, Burton Neuner, David Y. Fozdar, Timothy D. Corrigan, Paul W. Kolb, H. Dennis Drew, Raymond J. Phaneuf, Andrea Alù, and Gennady Shvets, Optics Express 19, 22142 (2011).
79. “On the absence of post-plasma etch surface and line edge roughness in vinylpyridine resists,” R. L. Bruce, F. Weilnboeck, T. Lin, R. J. Phaneuf, G. S. Oehrlein, B. K. Long, C. G. Willson and A. Alizadeh, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 29, 041604 (2011)
78. “Plasma-Polymer Interactions: A Review of Progress in Understanding Polymer Resist Mask Durability during Plasma Etching for Nanoscale Fabrication,” (invited) G. S. Oehrlein, R. J. P., and D. B. Graves, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 29, 010801 (2011)
77. “Binding Sites and Diffusion Barriers of a Ga Adatom On The GaAs(001)-c(4×4) Surface From First-Principles Computations,” J. L. Roehl, A. Kolagatla, V. K. K. Ganguri, S. V. Khare, and R. J. Phaneuf, Physical Review B 82, 165335 (2010).
76. “Effect of Gold Nanopillar Arrays on the Absorption Spectrum of a Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cell,” S.-J. Tsai, M. Ballarotto, D. B. Romero,W. N. Herman, H.-C. Kan and R. J. Phaneuf, Optics Express 18, A528 (2010)
75. “Wood’s anomaly in arrays of highly anisotropic plasmonic antennas,” T. D. Corrigan, P. W. Kolb, H. D. Drew, R. J. Phaneuf, A. Khanikaev, H. Mossavi, and G. Shvets, Optics Express 18, 24025 (2010)
74. “Bianisotropy and spatial dispersion in highly anisotropic near-infrared resonator arrays,”W. Kolb, T. D. Corrigan, H. D. Drew, A. B. Sushkov, R. J. Phaneuf, A. Khanikaev, H. Mousavi, and G. Shvets, Optics Express 18,. 24025-24036 (2010)
73. “Molecular structure effects on dry etching behavior of Si-containing resists in oxygen plasma,” R. L. Bruce, T. Lin, R. J. Phaneuf, G. S. Oehrlein, W. Bell, B. Long, and C. G. Willson Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 28, 751 (2010)
72. “Relationship between nanoscale roughness and ion-damaged layer in argon plasma exposed polystyrene films,” R. L. Bruce, F. Weilnboeck, T. Lin, R. J. Phaneuf, G. S. Oehrlein, B. K. Long, C. G. Willson, J. J. Vegh, D. Nest, and D. B. Graves , Journal of Applied Physics 107, 084310 (2010)
71. “Spacer Layer Effect in Fluorescence Enhancement from Silver Nanowires over a Silver Film; Switching of Optimum Polarization”, Shy-Hauh Guo, Dominic G. Britti, Julia J. Heetderks, Hung-Chih Kan, and Raymond J. Phaneuf , Nano Letters 9, 2666-2670 (2009)
70. “Enhanced fluorescence by metal nanospheres on metal substrates”, S. D’Agostino, P. P. Pompa, R. Chiuri, R. J. Phaneuf, R. Rinaldi, R. Cingolani and F. Della Sala, Optics Letters 34, 2381-2383 (2009).
69. “Dependence of photoresist surface modifications during plasma-based pattern transfer on choice of feedgas composition: Comparison of C4F8– and CF4-based discharges”, S. Engelmann2, R. L. Bruce2, F. Weilnboeck, M. Sumiya, T. Kwon1, R. J. Phaneuf, G. S. Oehrlein, C. Andes, D. Graves, D. Nest, and E. A. Hudson, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 27, 1165-1179 (2009)
68. “Study of ion and vacuum ultraviolet-induced effects on styrene- and ester-based polymers exposed to argon plasma”, R. L. Bruce, S. Engelmann, T. Lin, T. Kwon, R. J. Phaneuf, and G. S. Oehrlein, B. K. Long and C. G. Willson, J. J. Végh, D. Nest, and D. B. Graves, and A. Alizadeh, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 27, 1142-1155 (2009)
67. “Real-time studies of surface roughness development and reticulation mechanism of advanced photoresist materials during plasma processing”, A. R. Pal, R. L. Bruce2, F. Weilnboeck, S. Engelmann2, T. Lin1, M.-S. Kuo, R. Phaneuf, and G. S. Oehrlein, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 013311-1,-9 (2009)
66. “Plasma-surface interactions of advanced photoresists with C4F8 /Ar discharges: Plasma parameter dependencies”, S. Engelmann2, R. L. Bruce2, M. Sumiya, T. Kwon1, R. Phaneuf, G. S. Oehrlein, C. Andes, D. Graves, D. Nest and E. A. Hudson, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 27, 1071-1023 (2009)
65. “Rectification in Supramolecular Zinc Porphyrin/Fulleropyrrolidine Dyads Self-Organized on Gold(111),” Francesca Matino, Valentina Arima, Manuel Piacenza, Fabio Della Sala, Giuseppe Maruccio, Ray J. Phaneuf , Roberta Del Sole, Giuseppe Mele, Giuseppe Vasapollo, Giuseppe Gigli, Roberto Cingolani, Ross Rinaldi, ChemPhysChem 10, 2633 (2009)
64. “Optical plasmonic resonances in split-ring resonator structures: an improved LC model”, T. D. Corrigan, P. W. Kolb, A. B. Sushkov, H. D. Drew, D. C. Schmadel, and R. J. Phaneuf, Optics Express 16, 19850-19864 (2008)
63.“Enhanced fluorescence and near-field intensity for Ag nanowire/nanocolumn arrays: evidence for the role of surface plasmon standing waves”, Shy-Hauh Guo, Julia J. Heetderks, Hung-Chih Kan, and Raymond J. Phaneuf, Optics Express 16, 18417-18425 (2008). (Selected for publication in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics)
62. “Anomalous scaling in epitaxial growth on vicinal surfaces: meandering and mounding instabilities in a linear growth equation with spatiotemporally correlated noise”, Ajmi B.H. Hammouda*, A. Pimpinelli and R.J. Phaneuf, Surface Science 602, 2819-2827 (2008)
61. “Characteristic Length Scales in Evolution of Patterned Step Structure on Vicinal Si(111) Surface During High Temperature Annealing”, H-C. Kan, T. Kwon1 and R. J. Phaneuf, Physical Review B 77, 205401-1,-6 (2008) (Selected for the May 12, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, published by the American Institute of Physics and the American Physical Society)
60. “Fluorescence Enhancement from Size-selected Nanoparticles: The Role of an Active Substrate Substrate”, S.-H. Guo, S.-J. Tsai, H.-C. Kan, D.-H. Tsai, Michael R. Zachariah, and R. J. Phaneuf, Advanced Materials, 20, 1424-1429 (2008)
59. “Near-surface modification of polystyrene by Ar+: Molecular dynamics simulations and experimental validation”, J. J. Végh*, D. Nest, D. B. Graves, R. Bruce2, S. Engelmann2, T. Kwon1, R. J. Phaneuf, G. S. Oehrlein, B. K. Long and C. G. Willson, Applied Physics Letters 91, 233113-1,-3 (2007)
58. “Plasma-surface interactions of model polymers for advanced photoresists using C4F8 /Ar discharges and energetic ion beams”, S. Engelmann, R. L. Bruce, T. Kwon, R. Phaneuf, G. S. Oehrlein, Y. C. Bae, C. Andes, D. Graves and D. Nest, E. A. Hudson, P. Lazzeri, E. Iacob, and M. Anderle, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 25, 1353-1364 (2007)
57. “Spatial and Size-Resolved Electrostatic-Directed Deposition of Nanoparticles on a Field-Generating Substrate: Theoretical and Experimental Analysis”, D.-H. Tsai, T. Hawa, H.-C. Kan, R. J. Phaneuf, and M. R. Zachariah, Nanotechnology 18, 365201-36510 (2007)
56. “Transient Roughening Behavior and Spontaneous Pattern Formation during Plasma Etching of Nanoporous Silica”, T. Kwon, H.-C. Kan, G. S. Oehrlein, and R.J. Phaneuf, Nanotechnology, 18, 055305-055309 (2007)
55. “Temperature-Driven Change in the Unstable Growth Mode on Patterned GaAs(001)”, T. Tadayyon-Eslami, H.-C. Kan, L. C. Calhoun and R. J. Phaneuf, Physical Review Letters 97, 126101-1,-4 (2006)
54. “Evolution of Patterned GaAs(001) during Homoepitaxial Growth: Size vs. Spacing,” H.-C. Kan3, R. Ankam, S. Shah, K.M. Micholsky, T. Tadayyon-Eslami, L. Calhoun, and R. J. Phaneuf, Phys. Rev. B 73, 195410-1,-8 (2006)
53. “A Systematic Study of the Size and Spacing Dependence of Ag Nanoparticle Enhanced Fluorescence Using Electron Beam Lithography,” T. D. Corrigan, S.-H. Guo, H. Szmacinski, and R. J. Phaneuf, Applied Physics Letters 88, 101112-1,-3 (2006)
52. “Length-Scale Dependence of the Step Bunch Self-Organization on Patterned Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces”, T. Kwon, H-C. Kan and R. J. Phaneuf, Applied Physics Letters 88, 071914-1,-3 (2006)
51. “Electrostatic-Directed Deposition Of Nanoparticles On A Field Generating Substrate,” D-H Tsai, S. H. Kim, T. D. Corrigan, R J Phaneuf, and M.R. Zachariah, Nanotechnology 16 (2005) 1856–1862
50. “Enhanced Fluorescence from Periodic Arrays of Silver Nanoparticles,” (Invited), T. D. Corrigan, S.-H. Guo, R. J. Phaneuf, and H. Szmacinski, Journal of Fluorescence, 15, 779, (2005)
49. “Direct imaging of forces in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) tunneling to a silicon pn junctions”, Jeong Young Park, R. J. Phaneuf, D. F. Ogletree, and M. Salmeron, Applied Physics Letters 86, 172105 (2005)
48. “Transient evolution of surface roughness on patterned GaAs(001) during homoepitaxial growth”, H.-C. Kan, S. Shah, T.T. Tadyyon-Eslami and R.J. Phaneuf, Physical Review Letters 92, 146101-1,-4 (2004)
47. “Patterning-based Investigation of the length-scale dependence of the surface evolution during multilayer epitaxial growth”, S. Shah, K. Limpaphayom, T. Tadayyon-Eslami, H. C. Kan and R. J. Phaneuf, Applied Physics Letters 83, 4330-4332 (2003)
46. Investigation of the direct electromigration term for Al nanodots within the depletion zone of a pn junction”, J. Y. Park and R. J. Phaneuf, Journal of Applied Physics 94, 6883-6886 (2003)
45. “Low Energy Electron Microscopy: Imaging Surface Dynamics”, (Invited) R. J. Phaneuf and A. K. Schmid, Physics Today, 56(3), 50-55 (2003)
44. “Conductance Imaging of Thermally Desorbed Silicon Oxide”, J. Y. Park and R. J. Phaneuf, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 21, 1254-1257 (2003)
43. “Time Response in Tunneling to a PN Junction,” J. Y. Park and R. J. Phaneuf, Applied Physics Letters 82, 64-66 (2003)
42. “Comparison Between Experimental Characterization and Electron Optical Simulation of the Astigmatism of a Magnetic Prism in LEEM”, H. C. Kan, D. Auerbach and R. J. Phaneuf, Review of Scientific Instruments, 74, 1008-1015 (2002)
41. “A Comparison of Stigmatically Focusing Magnetic Prisms of Square vs. Round Symmetries”, H. C. Kan, T. Dürkop and R. J. Phaneuf, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 20, 2519-2525 (2002)
40. “Photoelectron Emission Microscopy of Ultrathin Oxide-Covered Devices”, V. W. Ballarotto, M. Breban, K. Siegrist, R. J. Phaneuf, and E. D. Williams, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 20, 2514-2518 (2002)
39. “Spectroscopy of an Ensemble of In0.50Ga0.50As Quantum Dots Following Highly Localized Hole Injection by a Scanning Tunneling Microscope”, T.K. Johal, G. Pagliara, R. Rinaldi, A. Passaseo R. Cingolani, M. Lomascolo, A. Taurino, M. Catalano and R. J. Phaneuf, Physical Review B 66, 155313-1, -6 (2002)
38. “Polarity-dependence in pulsed scanning tunneling microscopy fabrication and modification of metal nanodots on silicon,” J. Y. Park and R.J. Phaneuf, Journal of Applied Physics 92, 2139-2143 (2002)
37. “Direct imaging of a biased pn junction with conductance mapping”, J. Y. Park, E.D. Williams and R. J. Phaneuf, Journal of Applied Physics 91, 3745-3749 (2002)
36. “A quick estimation of the LEED pattern size formed by an electrostatic objective lens in LEEM”, H.-C. Kan and R. J. Phaneuf, Optik 112, 511-514 (2001)
35. “A Model for Doping-Induced Contrast in PEEM”, V. W. Ballarotto, K. Siegrist, R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, Journal of Applied Physics, 91, 469-475 (2001)
34. “Photon Energy Dependence of Contrast in Photoelectron Emission Microscopy of Si Devices”, V. W. Ballarotto, K. Siegrist, R. J. Phaneuf, E. D. Williams, W. C. Yang and R. J. Nemanich, Journal of Applied Physics, 91, 469-475 (2001)
33. “Focusing of low energy electrons by sub-micrometer patterned structures in LEEM”, H.-C. Kan and R. J. Phaneuf, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 19, 1158-1163 (2001)
32. “Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Field Induced Au Nanodots on Ultrathin Oxides on Si(001)”, J. Y. Park, R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 19, 523-526 (2001)
31. “Variation of threshold field in field induced fabrication of Au nanodots on ultrathin in situ grown silicon oxide”, J. Y. Park, R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, Surface Science 470, L69-L74 (2000)
30. “Imaging the Band-Bending Across a PN-Junction Using Scanning X-ray Photoelectron Microscopy”, R. J. Phaneuf, H.-C. Kan, M. Marsi, L. Gregoratti, S. Günther and M. Kiskinova, Journal of Applied Physics, 88, 863-868 (2000)
29. “PEEM Imaging of Dopant Contrast in Si(001)”, V. W. Ballarotto, K. Siegrist, R. J. Phaneuf, E. D. Williams and S. Mogren, Surface Science, 461, L571-L574 (2000)
28. “Growth Morphologies in GaAs and InP Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, G. Lengel, R. J. Phaneuf, E.D. Williams, S. D. Sarma, W. Beard, and F. G. Johnson, Physical Review B 60, R8469-R8472 (1999)
27. “Equilibration of Ring-Cluster Surface Phases and Silicide Islands for Cobalt adsorbed on Si(111)”, R. J. Phaneuf, P. A. Bennett, M. Marsi, S. Günther, L. Gregoratti and M. Kiskinova, Surface Science, 431, 232-241 (1999)
26. “Ni/Si(111) system: Formation and Evolution of two- and three-dimensional phases studied by spectromicroscopy”, L. Gregoratti, S. Günther, J. Kovac, M. Marsi, R. J. Phaneuf and M. Kiskinova, Physical Review B 59, 2018-2024, (1999)
25. “LEEM Studies of Phase Separations and Surface Depletion of Co and Ni on Si(111)”, R. J. Phaneuf and P. A. Bennett, Surface Review and Letters 5, 1179-1188, (1999)
24. “Low Energy Electron Microscopy Studies of 2D Eutectic Behavior for the growth of Cobalt on Si(111)”, (Invited) R. J. Phaneuf, Y. Hong, S. Hörch and P. A. Bennett, Micron 30, 13-20, (1998)
23. “Lateral pn Junction Characterization with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: Junction Delineation and Depletion Zone Measurements”, M. L. Hildner, R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, Applied Physics Letters 72, 3314-3316, (1998)
22. “Photoemission Electron Microscopy of Schottky Contacts”, M. Giesen, R. J. Phaneuf, E.D. Williams, and T. L. Einstein, Surface Science 396, 411-421, (1998)
21. “Characterization of P-N Junctions and Surface States on Silicon Devices by Photoemission Electron Microscopy,” (Invited) M. Giesen, R. J. Phaneuf, E.D. Williams, T. L. Einstein and H. Ibach, Applied Physics A 64, 423-430 (1997)
20. “Two Dimensional Phase Separation for Co Adsorbed on Si(111),” R. J. Phaneuf* P.A. Bennett, Y. Hong, and S. Hörch, Physical Review Letters 78, 4605-4608, (1997)
19. “Surface Phase Transformations in the Ni/Si(111) System Real Time Observations Using LEEM and STM,” P.A. Bennett, M. Y. Lee, S. A. Parikh, K. Würm, and R. J. Phaneuf, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 13, 1728-1732 (1995)
18. “Sublimation and Phase Transitions on Singular and Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces,” T. M. Jung, R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, Surface Science 301, 129-135 (1994)
17. “Reduced Background Light in Visual Low-Energy Electron Diffraction Using an Optical Bandpass Filter, “R. J. Phaneuf and H.-C. Kan, Review of Scientific Instruments 65, 3871-3872 (1994).
16. “Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics of the Faceting of Stepped Si(111),” E. D. Williams, R. J. Phaneuf, J. Wei, N. C. Bartelt and T. L. Einstein Surface Science 294, 219-242 (1993).
15. “The Crossover from Metastable to Unstable Facet Growth on Si(111),” R. J. Phaneuf, N. C. Bartelt, E. D. Williams, W. Swiech and E. Bauer, Physical Review Letters 71, 2284-2287 (1993).
14. “Low Energy Electron Microscopy Investigations of the Domain Growth of the (7×7) Reconstruction on Si(111),” R. J. Phaneuf, N. C. Bartelt, E. D. Williams, W. Swiech and E. Bauer, Surface Science 268, 227-237 (1992).
13. “Low Energy Electron Microscopy Investigations of Orientational Phase Separation on Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces,” R. J. Phaneuf, N. C. Bartelt, E. D. Williams, W. Swiech and E. Bauer, Physical Review Letters 67, 2986-2889 (1991).
12. “Step Structures and Reconstructions on Vicinal Ge(111) Surfaces,” T. M. Jung, R. J. Phaneuf, and E. D. Williams, Surface Science 254, 235-250 (1990).
11. “Step-Height Tripling Transition on Vicinal Si(111),” R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, Phys. Rev. B 41, 2991-3003, (1990).
10. “Orientational Stability of Silicon Surfaces,” N. C. Bartelt, R. J. Phaneuf, E. D. Williams, and S. Das Sarma, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 7, 1898-1905 (1989).
9. “Comparison of LEED and STM Measurements of Vicinal Si(111),”, X.-S. Wang, R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, Journal of Microscopy 152, 473-480 (1988).
8. “The Temperature Dependence of Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces,” R. J. Phaneuf, E. D. Williams and N. C. Bartelt Physical Review B 38, 1984-1993 (1988).
7. “Surface Phase Separation of Vicinal Si(111),” R.J. Phaneuf and E.D. Williams, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 6, 657-657 (1988).
6. “Metastable Structures of Si(111) Formed by Laser-Quenching,” R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, Surface Science 195, 330-340 (1988).
5. “Surface Phase Separation of Vicinal Si(111),” R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, Physical Review Letters 58, 2563-2566 (1987).
4. “Comparison of High-Temperature and Laser-Quenched Si(111) Using Low-Energy Electron Diffraction,” R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, Physical Review B 35, 4155-4158 (1987).
3. “Low Energy Electron Diffraction and Physisorption Studies of the Ge(111) Surface”, M. B. Webb, R. J. Phaneuf and W. E. Packard, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 4, 1522-1523 (1986).
2. “A LEED Study of Ge(111): A High Temperature Incommensurate Structure”, R. J. Phaneuf and M. B. Webb, Surface Science 164, 167-195 (1985).
1. “Current-Voltage Characteristics and Composition Profiles of Ni-Pt Silicide Schottky Diodes,” A. Shepela, R. J. Phaneuf, and E. F. Kennedy, Journal of Applied Physics 51, 2928-2932 (1980).
Refereed Conference Proceedings
12. “Nanostructured Broad Band Infrared Absorber,” T. D. Corrigan, D. H. Park, H. D. Drew, and R. J. Phaneuf, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, vol. 1303 (2011).
11. “Atomic layer deposition films as protective coatings for silver,” E. Breitung, Amy Marquardt, G. Gates, T. Weisser, R. Ash, L. Henn-Lecordier, Gary Rubloff, and R. Phaneuf, American Institute of Conservation, Research and Technical Studies Proceedings, 40th Annual Meeting, 3, 279 (2010).
10. “Rectifying behaviour of self assembled porphyrin/fullerene dyads on Au(111)”, F.Matino, V.Arima, G.Maruccio, R.J.Phaneuf, R.Del Sole, G.Mele, G. Vasapollo, R.Cingolani, R.Rinaldi, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 61, 795-799 (2007).
9. “Electrostatic-Directed Deposition of Nanoparticles on a Field Generating Substrate,” De-Hao Tsai, T Hawa, H-C Kan, R J Phaneuf and M. R Zachariah, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 1059, KK12-03 (2007).
8.“Electrostatically Directed Assembly of Silver Nanoparticles for Application to Metal Enhanced Fluorescence Biosensing,” D-H Tsai, S-H Guo, R J Phaneuf and M. R. Zachariah, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 951, E12-02 (2006).
7. “Enhanced fluorescence using silver nanoparticles patterned by e-beam lithography,” Henryk Szmacinski, Vincent J. Pugh, Wayne E. Moore, Timothy C. Corrigan, Shy-Hauh Guo, and Ray Phaneuf, Proc. SPIE 5703, 25-33 (2005).
6. “Conductance Imaging of the Depletion Region of a Biased Silicon PN Device”, J.Y. Park, R. J. Phaneuf and E.D. Williams, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 669, J2.3.1-J.2.3.5, (2001).
5. “PEEM Imaging and Modeling of Dopant-Concentration Variation In Devices”, V.W. Ballarotto, K. Siegrist, R.J. Phaneuf and E.D. Williams, AIP Conference Proceedings 550, 307-311 (2001).
4. “Brownian Motion and Coarsening of Domain Boundaries on (7×7)-Si(111),” P. Atala2*, R. J. Phaneuf, N. C. Bartelt, W. Swiech, and E. Bauer, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 404, 117-122, (1996).
3. “Evolution of Si Surface Nanostructure under Growth Conditions,” R. J. Phaneuf, H.-C. Kan and E. D. Williams, in: Low dimensional Structures prepared by Epitaxial Growth or Regrowth on Patterned Substrates, ed. K. Eberl (Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht Netherlands, 1995), pp. 185-195.
2. “The Role of Stress in the Faceting of Stepped Si(111) Surfaces,” E. D. Williams, R. J. Phaneuf, N. C. Bartelt, W. Swiech and E. Bauer, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 238, 227 (1992).
1. “The Phase Diagram of Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces Misoriented Toward the [110] Direction”, R.J. Phaneuf, N.C. Bartelt and E.D. Williams, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces, eds, J.F. van der Veen and M.A. Van Hove, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 525 (1987).
Book Chapters
“Noble Metal Nanostructure Enhancement of Fluorescence” in: Handbook of Molecular Plasmonics, ed. Fabio Della Sala and Stefania D’Agostino, Pan Stanford, Singapore, 2013.
Invited Talks
43. “A Patterning Approach to Direct Self Assembly of Nanostructures at the Mesoscale”, Materials Science and Engineering Seminar, University of Connecticut, February 9, 2018.
42. “Atomic Layer Deposition for Conservation of Cultural Heritage Materials”, American Ceramics Society Workshop on Technology for Conservation of Cultural Heritage, University of Maryland, College Park, December 13, 2017.
41. “Directing Self Assembly of Nanostructures Kinetically-the Role of the Ehrlich-Schwoebel Barrier”, Physics Colloquium, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, October 19, 2017.
40. Nanotechnology for Protection of Cultural Heritage: Atomic Layer Deposited Thin Films to Preserve Cultural Heritage Metal Objects”, Keynote Address, Nanoforum, Rome, Italy, September 22, 2014.
39. “Protecting the Dragon’s Hoard – a Nanotechnology Approach”, The Mithril Turtle, a Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Lord of the Rings, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, September 11, 2014.
38. “Materials and Structures for Engineered Thermal Absorption/Emissivity”, Laboratory for Physical Sciences, College Park, MD, February 26, 2014.
37. “Atomic Layer Deposition Diffusion Barriers for Silver Art and Cultural Heritage Objects”, 224th Electrochemical Society Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA Oct. 27-Nov. 1, 2013.
36. “Directed Self Assembly of Nanostructures on Lithographically-Nanopatterned GaAs(001)”, Laboratory for Physical Sciences Seminar, College Park, MD, November 25, 2013.
35. “SCIART: ALD Films for Tarnish Barriers on Ag Art Objects,” Winterthur Art Museum, Winterthur, Delaware, September 7, 2011.
34. “Self-Limiting Growth of Mounds and Transient Amplification of Patterns during MBE Growth on GaAs(001),” The 18th American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Monterey, California, July 31 – August 5, 2011.
33. “Surface Stability, Directed Self Assembly and Self-Limiting Growth of Mounds on Patterned GaAs(001),” Department Seminar, Arizona State University, April 3, 2011.
32. “Multilayer atomic layer deposition films as protective coatings for silver art objects,” Symposium on Partnerships and New Analytical Methodologies at the Interface of Chemistry and Art, 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Anaheim, California, March 27-31, 2011.
31. “Directed Self Assembly of Nanostructures Kinetically: Patterning, the Ehrlich Schwoebel Barrier, and the Effect of a Critical Island Size,” to be presented at the Workshop on Non-equilibrium Interface and Surface Dynamics: Theory, Experiment and Simulation from Atomistic to Continuum Scales (NID10),” University of Maryland, College Park, MD, October 25-28, 2010.
30. “The Effect of Gold Nanostructure Arrays on the Efficiency of a Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cell”, Italian Institute of Technology, Genova, Italy, June 23, 2010.
29. “Noble Metal Nanostructures – Enhancement of Fluorescence & Effect in Heterojunction Organic Solar Cell”, National Nanotechnology Laboratory, Lecce, Italy, June 17, 2010.
28. “Fluorescence Enhancement from Artificial Nanostructure Arrays-the Role of the Substrate”, Italian Institute of Technology, Genova, June 25, 2009.
27. “Lithographic Patterning as a Probe of Unstable Growth: Results, Theory and Physically Based Models”, National Nanotechnology Laboratory Seminar, Lecce, Italy, June 11, 2008.
26. “Observations and Simulations of Step-Bunch Self-Organization on Patterned Vicinal Si(111)”, Research Interaction Team Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, May 15, 2008.
25. “Unstable Growth on Patterned GaAs(001) Surfaces: Experimental Results, Phenomenology and Physically Based-Models”, Research Interaction Team Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, April 3, 2008.
24. “Length Scales in Step-Bunch Self-Organization during Annealing of Patterned Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces”, Workshop on Nonequilibrium Interface and Surface Dynamics: Theory, Experiment and Simulation from Atomistic to Continuum Scales, Center for Scientific Computing and Mathematical Modeling (CSCAMM), University of Maryland, April 23-27, 2007.
23. “What Drives Unstable Growth on Patterned GaAs(001): Atom-Scale Mechanisms”, Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung (BESSY) Seminar, Berlin, Germany December 4, 2006.
22. “Patterning to probe the stability of growing and receding surfaces’, Instituto dei Materiali per l’Elettronica ed il Magnetismo Seminar – Centro Nazionale di Ricerca (IMEM-CNR), Parma, Italy, December 1, 2006.
21. “Atomic Force Microscopy to Characterize Roughening and Pattern Formation during Plasma Etching of Nanoporous Silica”, 6th Pacific Rim Conference of the American Ceramics Society, Maui, Hawaii, September 11-16, 2005.
20. “Metal Nanoparticle Enhanced Fluorescence – Evidence for the Role of Particle Plasmons and Hot Spots”, National Nanotechnology Laboratory Seminar, Lecce, Italy, July 21, 2005.
19. “LEEM and Spectroscopic PEEM: Toward Controlled Self-Assembly”, Brookhaven National Laboratory Seminar, May 12, 2003.
18. “Correlation of Time Response and Spectroscopy in STM measurements of Devices”, Second International Workshop on Nanoscale Spectroscopy, Tokyo, Japan, November 24-29, 2002.
17. “2D Phase Separation for Co on Si(111)-Evidence for an Attractive Ring Cluster Interaction”, seminar presented at the Department of Physics, University of Rome, “La Sapienza”, Italy, June 5 2001.
16. “Probing PN Junctions with Surface Sensitive Microscopies “, seminar presented at the Department of Engineering and Innovation, University of Lecce, Italy, May 31, 2001.
15. “LEEM Studies of Phase Separations and Surface Depletion of Co and Ni on Si(111)”, The 1st LEEM Workshop, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, 7-9 April, 1998.
14. “Photoemission Electron Microscopy and Low-Energy Electron Microscopy for Semiconductor Device Inspection, Characterization and Process Prototyping”, “Analytical Laboratory Manager’s Workshop on Advances in Microscopy: An Update on Optical Microscopy, SEM and TEM Development”, Sematech, Austin, TX, November 19-20, 1997.
13. “Real-Space Observations of a 2D Phase Separation for Co Adsorbed on Si(111)”, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, University of Genova, Italy, June 24, 1997.
12. “Low Energy Electron Microscopy Studies of 2D Eutectic Behavior for the growth of Cobalt on Si(111)”, Fifteenth American Association of Crystal Growers Conference – West, Fallen Leaf Lake, CA, June 1-4, 1997.
11. “Surface Phase Separations on Si(111)”, European Research Conference on Fundamental Aspects of Surface Science-Semiconductor Surfaces, Blankenberge, Belgium, 7-11 June, 1996.
10. “Growth-Induced Defaceting of Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces,” seminar, Department of Applied Physics, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2, 1995.
9. “Evolution of Surface Nanostructures Under Growth Conditions,” NATO Workshop on Low Dimensional Structures Prepared by Epitaxial Growth or Regrowth on Patterned Semiconductor Substrates, Ringberg, Germany, February 20-24, 1995.
8. “Growth-Induced Smoothing of Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces,” Seminar, Institut für Grenzflächenforschung und Vakuumphysik -Juelich, Germany, February 17, 1995.
7. “Faceting, Steps, and the Equilibrium Crystal Shape,” Physics Colloquium, Arizona State University, February 17, 1994.
6. “From Microscopic Observations to Step Thermodynamics on Silicon,” Workshop on Synthesis, Processing & Characterization of Surfaces of Electronic Materials,’ Rochester Institute of Technology, October 7, 1993.
5. “The Kinetics of the Orientational Phase Separation of Vicinal Si(111),” European Research Conference on Fundamental Aspects of Surface Science, Davos, Switzerland, June 15-21, 1993.
4. “LEEM Obervations of Surface Processes,” Workshop on New and Emerging Techniques for Imaging Surfaces, Washington, D.C., April 18-21, 1993.
3. “Magnetic Surface Imaging with LEEM,” Workshop on Future Directions In Microscopy and Imaging, Southboro, MA, August 13-16, 1992.
2. “LEEM Observations of Orientational Phase Separation and Domain Growth on Vicinal Si(111), Division of Condensed Matter Physics Symposium, American Physical Society Meeting, Cincinatti, OH, March 18-22, 1991.
1. “Faceting and Domain Growth on Vicinal Si(111) Studied by LEEM,” Seminar at IBM Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, May 16, 1991.
Press Briefings
“The Physical Principles of Art,” American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 20, 2013.
Contributed Talks
136. Assembly of PCBM Domains on Si(111) from Liquid Solution”, Ray Phaneuf and Miriam Cezza, American Physical Society March Meeting 2017, New Orleans, LA, March 13–17, 2017.
135. “Study of the phase separation of organic molecules from solution on Si(111) substrates”, Miriam Cezza, Colin Qualters and Raymond Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting 2015, San Antonio, Texas, March 2–6, 2015.
134. Atomic layer deposited diffusion barriers on non-ideal silver and bronze cultural heritage objects”, Amy Marquardt, Eric Breitung, Terry Drayman-Weisser, Glenn Gates, Gary Rubloff, and Ray Phaneuf, AVS 61st International Symposium & Exhibition, Baltimore, MD, November 9-14, 2014.
133. Atomic Layer Deposited Films as Diffusion Barriers for Silver and Bronze Cultural Heritage Objects”, Amy E. Marquardt, Eric Breitung, Terry Drayman-Weisser, Glenn Gates, Gary Rubloff, Ed Vicenzi, and Ray Phaneuf, Materials Science & Technology 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, October 12-16, 2014 (Winner of Diamond Award, GEMS Competition).
132. “Investigation of Atomic Layer Deposited Metal Oxide Layers for Conservation of Metal Cultural Heritage Objects”, AE Marquardt, EM Breitung, G.W. Rubloff, R. J. Phaneuf, T Drayman-Weisser, G. Gates, and E. Vicenzi, 2014 Microscopy & Microanalysis meeting, Hartford, CT, August 4 – 7, 2014.
131. “Protection of Silver Objects from Corrosion using Atomic Layer Deposited Barrier Coatings”, A. Marquardt, E. Breitung, T. Drayman-Weisser, G. Gates, G.W. Rubloff and R.J. Phaneuf, American Institute for Conservation 41st Annual meeting, Indianapolis, IN, May 29 – June 1, 2013.
130. “Evidence for a Large, Thermal-Activated Characteristic Length Scale in Unstable Homoepitaxial Growth on GaAs(001)”, Chuan-Fu Lin, Hung-Chih Kan, S. Kanakaraju, C.J. Richardson, and Raymond Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting 2013, Baltimore, Maryland, March 18–22, 2013.
129. “Effect of solvent annealing on phase separation of donor/acceptor species in organic mixtures”, Miriam Cezza, Qian Shao, Shy-Hauh Guo, Raymond J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting 2013, Baltimore, Maryland, March 18–22, 2013.
128. “Impact of patterned anti-reflection coating on the performance of Broadband Blackbody Absorber Based on Dielectric-Thin Metal Film Multilayers”, Shyhauh Guo, Andrei Sushkov, Dennis Drew, Raymond Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting 2013, Baltimore, Maryland, March 18–22, 2013.
127. “Effective Lifetimes of Atomic Layer Deposited Diffusion Barrier Films for Silver Artifacts”, Amy Marquardt, Eric Breitung, Glenn Gates, Terry Weisser, Gary Rubloff, and Ray Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting 2013, Baltimore, Maryland, March 18–22, 2013.
126. “Multi-Layer Atomic Layer Deposition Films as Protective Coatings for Silver Art”, Glenn Gates, Terry Weisser, Eric Breitung, Amy Marquardt, Gary Rubloff and Ray Phaneuf, Gordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research Non-Destructive Imaging and Micro-Analysis in Cultural Heritage, Mt. Snow, Vermont, July 29 – August 3, 2012.
125. “Atomic Layer Deposition Films as Diffusion Barriers for Silver Artifacts”, A.E. Marquardt, E. Breitung, G. Gates, T. Drayman-Weisser, G.W. Rubloff, and R.J. Phaneuf, AVS 59th International Symposium & Exhibition, Tampa, Florida October 28-November 2, 2012.
124. “Self Limiting Behavior in the Directed Self-Assembly of Mounds on Patterned GaAs(001)”, C.-F. Lin, C.J.K. Richardson, H.-C. Kan, N.C. Bartelt, and R.J. Phaneuf, AVS 59th International Symposium & Exhibition, Tampa, Florida October 28-November 2, 2012.
123. “Diffusion of a Ga adatom on the GaAs(001)-c(4 × 4)-heterodimer surface: A first-principles study”, Sanjay Khare, Jason Roehl, Sandeep Aravelli, and Ray Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, February 27–March 2, 2012.
122. “Fabrication of Broad Band Mid-Infrared Absorber based on Periodic Dielectric-Thin Metal Film Multilayer Structures”, Shy-Hauh Guo, Andrei B. Sushkov, Timothy Corrigan, Dong Park, H. Dennis Drew, Paul Kolb, Warren Herman, and Raymond Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, February 27–March 2, 2012.
121. “Contact Angle Behavior for Fullerene/Porphyrin Mixtures on Si surfaces”, Miriam Cezza, Romaine A. Isaacs, Qian Shao, Shy-Hauh Guo, Lourdes G. Salamanca-Riba, Janice Reutt-Robey, and Raymond J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, February 27–March 2, 2012.
120. “Atomic Layer Deposition Films as Diffusion Barriers for Silver Artifacts”, Amy Marquardt, Eric Breitung, Glenn Gates, Terry Drayman-Weisser, Gary Rubloff, and Ray Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, February 27–March 2, 2012.
119. “Atomic Force Microscopy Determination of the Elastic Modulus of Nanometer Thick, Ultra-Stiff Modified Layers after Plasma Etching of a Polymer Film, T. Lin, , H.C. Kan, R.L. Bruce, G.S. Oehrlein, R.J. Phaneuf, AVS 58th International Symposium & Exhibition, Nashville, Tennesee, October 30-November 4, 2011.
118. “Directed Self Assembly and Self-Limiting Growth of Mounds on Lithographically-Nanopatterned GaAs(001), Raymond Phaneuf, Chuan-Fu Lin , Hung-Chih Kan, and Ajmi Hammouda, Materials Research Society Directed Self-Assembly of Materials Workshop, Nashville, Tennessee, September 28, 2011 – October 1, 2011.
117. “Effect of Au Nanopillar Arrays on the External Quantum Efficiency of a Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cell,” Shu-Ju Tsai, Mihaela Ballarotto, Danilo B. Romero, Warren N. Herman and Raymond J. Phaneuf, 2011 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, California, April 25 – 29, 2011.
116. “Directed Self Assembly and Self-Limiting Growth (SLG) of Mound Formation on Patterned GaAs(001) Surface During MBE Homoepitaxy,” Chuan-Fu Lin, Hung-Chih Kan, Subramaniam Kanakaraju, Chris Richardson, and Ray Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting 2011, Dallas, Texas, March 21–25, 2011.
115. “Binding sites and diffusion barriers of a Ga adatom on the GaAs(001)-c(4×4) surface from first-principles computations,” J. Roehl, A. Kolagatla, V.K.K. Ganguri, S. Khare, and R.J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting 2011, Dallas, Texas, March 21–25, 2011.
114. “Directing Self Assembly of Nanostructures Kinetically using Patterning and the Ehrlich Schwoebel Barrier,” C.F. Lin, A.BH Hammouda, H.-C. Kan, and R.J. Phaneuf, the 70th Physical Electronics Conference, Milwaukee, WI, June 15-18, 2010.
113. “Spectroscopic Enhancement from Noble Metallic Nanoparticles,” S.-J. Tsai and R. J. Phaneuf, the 70th Physical Electronics Conference, Milwaukee, WI, June 15-18, 2010.
112. “Directing Self Assembly of Nanostructures Kinetically: Patterning and the Ehrlich Schwoebel Barrier,” Chuan-Fu Lin, Ajmi BH Hammouda, Hung-Chih Kan and Ray Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Portland, OR, March 15-19, 2010.
111. “Broad Band Absorber Based on Metamaterials,” Timothy D. Corrigan, H.D. Drew, R.J. Phaneuf and Paul Kolb, American Physical Society March Meeting, Portland, OR, March 15-19, 2010.
110. “Length-scale-dependent Behaviors of a Nano-patterned Resist Material during Thermal Annealing and Plasma Etching”, T.C. Lin, R.L. Bruce, F. Weilnboeck, R.J. Phaneuf, G.S. Oehrlein, B. Long, G. Willson, D.G. Nest, J.J. Vegh, D.B. Graves, A. Alizadeh, Fall meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, November 30 – December 4, 2009.
109. “Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of the Effect of the Ehrlich-Schwoebel Barrier during Growth on Patterned Surfaces – Comparison to Unstable Growth on Patterned GaAs(001).” C.-F. Lin, K.M. Cosert, A. BH Hammouda, H.-C. Kan, K. Subramaniam, C. J. Richardson, R.J Phaneuf, Fall meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, November 30 – December 4, 2009.
108. “On the Absence of Post-Plasma Etch Surface and Line Edge Roughness in Vinylpyridine Resists, R.L. Bruce, F. Weilnboeck, T. Lin, R.J. Phaneuf, G.S. Oehrlein, W. Bell, C.G. Willson, D.G. Nest, G.K. Choudhary, J.J. Végh,D.B. Graves, UC-Berkeley, A. Alizadeh, AVS 56th International Symposium & Exhibition, San Jose, California, November 8-13, 2009.
107. “Nanopatterning as a Probe of Unstable Growth on GaAs(001)”, Krista Cosert, Chuan-Fu Lin, Ajmi Hammouda, Hung-Chih Kan, Kanakaraju Subrumaniam, Chris Richardson, Ray Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 16-20, 2009.
106. “Fluorescent Nanoparticles for High Efficiency Sensors”, Julia Heetderks and R J Phaneuf, IC Postdoctoral Colloquium, Chantilly, VA, April 27-30, 2009.
105. “Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Nanostructure Evolution During Unstable Growth on Patterned GaAs(001)”, Chuan-Fu Lin1, Krista Cosert1, Ajmi Hammouda, Hung-Chih Kan, and Ray Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 16-20, 2009.
104. “Evidence for Surface Plasmon Standing Waves in Ag Nanostructure Arrays”, Dominic Britti1, Julia Heetderks, Hung-Chih Kan, Ray Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 16-20, 2009.
103. “Analytic LC model for plasmonic resonances in nano-structured split-ring resonators”, P. W. Kolb, T. D. Corrigan, A. B. Sushkov, H. D. Drew, D. C. Schamdel, and R. J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 16-20, 2009.
102. “Photonic Crystal Effects and Incident Angular Dependence of Resonances from Rod Pairs and U-Shapes”, Timothy Corrigan3, Paul Kolb, Andrei Sushkov, Dennis Drew, Dominic Britti, and Raymond Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 16-20, 2009.
101. “Fundamental Etching and Roughening Mechanisms of Photoresist Polymers during Plasma Processing”, Dustin Nest, Ting-Ying Chung, David Graves, Florian Weilnboeck, Robert Bruce, Tsung Cheng Lin, Ray Phaneuf, Gottlieb Oehrlein, Eric Hudson, Deyan Wang, Cecily Andes, American Physical Society March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 16-20, 2009.
100. “Influence of Polymer Structure on Dry Etch Behavior of Resists in Soft Lithography”, R.L. Bruce, F. Weilnboeck, S. Engelmann, T.C. Lin, R. Phaneuf, G.S. Oehrlein, B. Long, G. Willson, D.G. Nest, J.J. Vegh, D.B. Graves, A. Alizadeh, AVS 55th International Symposium & Exhibition, Boston, MA, October 19-24, 2008.
99. “Plasma VUV-induced Degradation of Polymer Films: Effects of Radiation Wavelength,” D.G. Nest, T.-Y. Chung, J.J. Vegh, D.B. Graves, S. Engelmann, F. Weilnboeck, R.L. Bruce, T.C. Lin, R.J. Phaneuf, G.S. Oehrlein, B. Long, G. Willson, E.A. Hudson, C. Andes, and D. Wang, AVS 55th International Symposium & Exhibition, Boston, MA, October 19-24, 2008.
98. “Patterning for Directed Self-Organization and as a Probe of Interface Stability”, R. J. Phaneuf, Materials Science and Engineering Seminar, University of Maryland, September 26, 2008.
97. “Lithographic Patterning as a Probe of Unstable Growth on GaAs(001)”, R. J. Phaneuf, Nanosteps: Self-Organized Nanostructures on Crystal Surfaces, Cargése Summer School, Corsica, France, June 30-July 12, 2008.
96. “Fluorescence Enhancement Over Structured Silver Surfaces” J.J. Heetderks, S.H. Guo, and R.J. Phaneuf, American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia PA, August 17, 2008.
95. “Metal Enhanced Fluorescence for Increased Signal in Sensors” J.J. Heetderks, S.H. Guo, and R.J. Phaneuf, 2008 International Symposium on Spectral Sensing Research, Hoboken, NJ, June 26, 2008.
94. “Porphyrin/Fullerene Dyads on Au(111)”, D. G. Britti, R. J. Phaneuf, F. Matino, V. Arima, M. Piacenza, F. Della Sala, G. Maruccio, R. Del Sole, G. Mele, G. Vasapollo, R. Cingolani, R. Rinaldi, American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 9-14, 2008.
93. “Two Species Diffusion Model of Self-Organized Evolution on Patterned GaAs(001) Surfaces”, H.-C. Kan, E. Flanagan, T. Tadayyon-Eslami, S. Kanakaraju, C. Richardson, and R. J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 9-14, 2008.
92. “Fluorescence Enhancement from Nominally Flat Surfaces”, S.-H. Guo, H.-C. Kan, R. J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 9-14, 2008.
91. “Effect of Shape Parameters on NanoOptronic Circuit Element Optical Response”, T. D. Corrigan, D. G. Britti, P. Kolb, A. Sushkov, H. D. Drew, S.-H. Guo, and R. J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 9-14, 2008.
90. “Electrostatic-directed deposition of nanoparticles on a field generating substrate”, T. Hawa, D.-H. Tsai, R. J. Phaneuf, M. R. Zachariah, American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 9-14, 2008.
89. “Study of Plasma-Surface Interactions of Styrene and Vinylpyridine Polymers in Ar/C4F8/N2 Discharges”, R.L. Bruce, T. Kwon, S. Engelmann, F. Weilnboeck, M. Sumiya, R. Phaneuf, G.S. Oehrlein, B. Long, G. Willson, D.G. Nest, J.J. Vegh, D.B. Graves, A. Alizadeh, AVS 54th International Symposium & Exhibition, USA, October 14-19, 2007.
88. “Role of UV/VUV Radiation and Ion Bombardment in the Degradation and Roughening of Photoresist Polymers”, D.G. Nest, D.B. Graves, S. Engelmann, R.L. Bruce, T. Kwon, R. Phaneuf, G.S. Oehrlein, C. Andes, E.A. Hudson, AVS 54th International Symposium & Exhibition, Seattle, USA, October 14-19, 2007.
87. “Influence of Plasma Etch Processing Parameters on Morphological and Topographic Transformations of Advanced Photoresist Materials, S. Engelmann, R.L. Bruce, T. Kwon, R. Phaneuf, C. Andes, D.G.Nest, D.B. Graves, E.A. Hudson, G.S. Oehrlein, AVS 54th International Symposium & Exhibition, Seattle, USA, October 14-19, 2007.
86. “Molecule-Nanoparticle Separation Dependence of Plasmon Enhanced Fluorescence”, Dominic Britti, De-Hao Tsai, Hung-Chih Kan, Michael Zachariah, Ray Phaneuf, Valentina Arima, Pier Paolo Pompa and Ross Rinaldi, 67th Physical Electronics Conference, Urbana, Illinois, June 19-22, 2007.
85. “Atom-Scale Mechanisms for Unstable Growth on Patterned GaAs(001)”, Tabassom Tadayyon-Eslami, Hung-Chih Kan, Lynn Calhoun and Ray Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver, CO, March 5-9, 2007.
84. “Evolution of patterned step structure on vicinal Si(111) surface during high temperature annealing”, H.-C. Kan, T. Kwon and R. J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver, CO, March 5-9, 2007.
83. “Fluorescence enhancement from silver nanostructures”, S.-H. Guo, H.-C. Kan and R. J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver, CO, March 5-9, 2007.
82. “Influence of Local Field and Particle Plasmon on Fluorescence Enhancement from Spherical Nano-silver Particles”, S.-J. Tsai, H.-C. Kan, S.-H. Guo, D.-H. Tsai, M. R. Zachariah and R. J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver, CO, March 5-9, 2007.
81. “Electrostatic-Directed Deposition of Nanoparticles on a Field Generating Substrate”, Takumi Hawa, De-Hao Tsai, Hung-Chih Kan, Raymond J Phaneuf and Michael R Zachariah, Nanoscale Pattern Formation, Templating and Nanopositioning, Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, November 26-30, 2007.
80. “Ferroelectric Properties of BiFeO3 – Fe2O3 Multiphase Nanocomposite Thin Films”, Sung Hwan Lim, Volkan Ortalan, Hung-Chih Kan, Dominic Britti, Anbusathaiah Varatharajan, Nagarajan Valanoor, Makoto Murakami, Ray Phaneuf, Nigel Browning, Ichiro Takeuchi and Lourdes Salamanca-Riba, Ferroelectrics, Multiferroics and Magnetoelectrics, Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, November 26-30, 2007.
79. “Self Assembled Porphyrin/Fullerene Dyads On Au(111): an UHV STM and STS Study,” Matino, V. Arima, G. Maruccio, R. J. Phaneuf, R. Del Sole, G. Mele, G. Vasapollo, R. Cingolani, and R. Rinaldi, Fourth International Workshop on Nanometer Scale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology, Rathen, Germany, September 17-21, 2006.
78. “Rectifying behaviour of self assembled porphyrin/fullerene dyads on Au(111)”, F. Matino, V. Arima, G. Maruccio, R. J. Phaneuf, R. Del Sole, G. Mele, G. Vasapollo, R. Cingolani, R. Rinaldi, International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T06), Basel, Switzerland, July 30-August 4, 2006.
77. “Temperature-Driven Change in the Unstable Growth Mode on Patterned GaAs(001),” Tadayyon-Eslami and R.J. Phaneuf, 66th Annual Physical Electronics Conference, Princeton, NJ, June 18-21, 2006.
76. “Morphological and Chemical Evolution of Model Resist Polymers with Low Pressure Plasma”, T. Kwon, R. Bruce, D. Nest, H-C. Kan, G. Oerhelein, D. Graves, R. J. Phaneuf, 66th Annual Physical Electronics Conference, Princeton, NJ, June 18-21, 2006.
75. “Enhanced Fluorescence from Ag nanoRods: Is Particle Plasmon Resonance Alone Responsible?”, Shy-Hauh Guo, Tim Corrigan3, Henryk Szmacinski, and Ray Phaneuf, 66th Annual Physical Electronics Conference, Princeton, NJ, June 18-21, 2006.
74. “Modifications of advanced photoresist polymers after plasma processing”, S. Engelmann, R.L. Bruce, B.F. Smith, T. Kwon, R.J. Phaneuf, G.S. Oehrlein, E.A. Hudson, P. Lazzeri and M. Anderle, AVS 53rd International Symposium & Exhibition, San Francisco, USA, November 12-17, 2006.
73. “Study of energetic ion and radicals beams interacting with advanced photoresist polymers”, D.G. Nest, M. Goldman, D.B. Graves, S. Engelmann2, R.L. Bruce2, B.F. Smith, T. Kwon1, R. Phaneuf, G.S. Oehrlein, C. Andes, E.A. Hudson, P. Lazzeri and M. Anderle, AVS 53rd International Symposium & Exhibition, San Francisco, USA, November 12-17, 2006.
72. “Investigation of Plasma-Polymer Interactions for Plasma/Energetic Beam Templating of Materials”, R.L. Bruce2, C. Dutton, G.S. Oehrlein, S. Engelmann, T. Kwon, R. Phaneuf, B. Long, G. Willson, D.B. Graves, D.G. Nest, J. Vegh, A. Alizadeh, AVS 53rd International Symposium & Exhibition, San Francisco, USA, November 12-17, 2006.
71. “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Interactions of Ions and Radicals with Organic Masking Materials”, J.J. Végh, D.G. Nest, M. Goldman, D.B. Graves, R.L. Bruce, S. Engelmann, T. Kwon, R. Phaneuf, G.S. Oehrlein, B. Long, G. Willson, A. Alizadeh, AVS 53rd International Symposium & Exhibition, San Francisco, USA, November 12-17, 2006.
70. “Morphological and Chemical Evolution of Model Resist Polymers for Plasma/Energetic Beam Templating Materials, R. Phaneuf, T. Kwon, R.L. Bruce, S. Engelmann, G.S. Oehrlein, B. Long, G. Willson, D.B. Graves, D.G. Nest, M. Goldman, J. Vegh, A. Alizadeh, AVS 53rd International Symposium & Exhibition, San Francisco, USA, November 12-17, 2006.
69. “Temperature and Flux Dependence of Unstable Growth Mode on Patterned GaAs(001),” T. Tadayyon-Eslami, H.-C. Kan, S. Kanakaraju, C. Richardson, and R. J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 13-17, 2006.
68. “Metal Nanoparticle Enhanced Fluorescence – Role of Particle Plasmon Resonance”, S.-H. Guo, T. D. Corrigan, H. Szmacinski, R. J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 13-17, 2006.
67. “Evolution of Roughness and Wavelength Selection during Fluorocarbon Plasma Etching of Nanoporous Silica”, T. Kwon, H.-C. Kan, X. Hua, G. Oehrlein, and R.J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 13-17, 2006.
66. “Self-organized Evolution on Patterned GaAs(001) Surfaces during Homo-Epitaxial Growth,” H.-C. Kan, E. Flanagan, T. Tadayyon-Eslami, S. Kanakaraju, C. Richardson, R. J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 13-17, 2006.
65. “Simulation of self-organized evolution of patterned GaAs(001) surfaces during homo-expitaxial growth,“ E. Flanagan, H.-C. Kan, T. Tadayyon-Eslami, S. Kanakaraju, C. Richardson, R. J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 13-17, 2006.
64. “Optical properties of Ag nanoparticle arrays: Tuning the plasmon resonance,” J.R. Simpson, H.D. Drew, S.H. Guo, and R. J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 13-17, 2006.
63. “Electrostatic-Directed Deposition of Nanoparticles on a Field Generating Substrate”, De-Hao Tsai , Michael R Zachariah, Raymond J Phaneuf, Kuk Choi and Takumi Hawa, Nanofunctional Materials, Nanostructures, and Novel Devices for Biological and Chemical Detection Microfluidics and Assembly for Biological and Chemical Detection, Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, November 26-30, 2006.
62. “Optical studies of plasmon resonances in Ag nanoparticle arrays”, R. Valdes Aguilar, G. Evans, H. D. Drew, S.-H. Guo, T.D. Corrigan, RJ.. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 21–25, 2005.
61. “Investigation of Surface Modifications of 193 nm and 248 nm Photoresist Materials During Low-Pressure Plasma Etching”, L. Ling, X. Hua, T. Kwon, S. Engelmann2, R. Phaneuf, G. S. Oehrlein, E. A. Hudson, P. Lazzeri and M. Anderle, AVS International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes for Microelectronics ’05, Santa Clara, CA, March 21-23, 2005.
60. “Interactions of Plasmas with Model Polymers for Advanced Photoresists”, S. Engelmann, T. Kwon, X. Hua, R. Phaneuf, G. S. Oehrlein, Y. C. Bae, D. Graves, E. Pargon, E. A. Hudson, P. Lazzeri and M. Anderle, AVS 52nd International Symposium, Boston, MA, October 30– November 4, 2005.
59. “Evolution of Roughness and Pattern Formation during Reactive Ion Etching of Nanoporous Silica”, T. Kwon, X. Hua, G. S. Oehrlein and R.J. Phaneuf, 65th Annual Physical Electronics Conference, Madison, WI, June 20-22, 2005.
58. “Temperature Dependence of Transient Growth Instabilities on Patterned GaAs(001)”, T. Tadayyon-Eslami, H.-C. Kan, and R.J. Phaneuf, 65th Annual Physical Electronics Conference, Madison, WI, June 20-22, 2005.
57. “Enhanced Fluorescence Using Silver Nanoparticles Patterned by e-Beam Lithography”, H. Szmacinski, V. J. Pugh, W. E. Moore, T. D. Corrigan, S.-H. Guo and R. J. Phaneuf, SPIE Photonics West 2005, San Jose, CA, January 22-27, 2005.
56. “Roughening Transition and Growth Instabilities on Patterned GaAs(001)”, R. J. Phaneuf, 64th Annual Physical Electronics Conference, Davis, CA, June 20-23, 2004.
55. “Length Scale Dependence of Interface Response to Perturbations During MBE Growth”, R. J. Phaneuf, 31st Annual Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces“, Kailua-Kona, HI January 18-22, 2004.
54. “Critical Length Scale in the Evolution of Corrugations During Heating of Patterned Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces”, T. Kwon, H.C. Kan, R.J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 22-26, 2004.
53. “Evolution of Patterned Structures During Growth of GaAs Above and Below the Roughening Transition”, Tabassom Tadayyon-Eslami, H.C. Kan, R.J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 22-26, 2004.
52. “Step Motion Mediated Morphology Evolution of Patterned Vicinal Si(111) During High-Temperature Annealing”, H.C. Kan, T. Kwon, R.J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 22-26, 2004.
51. “Variation of Metal Enhanced Fluorescence Patterned by E-Beam Lithography with Size and Spacing”, Timothy D. Corrigan, Shy-Hauh Guo, R.J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 22-26, 2004.
50. “Algorithm for Correlation of Metal Enhanced Fluorescence with Nanoparticle Size and Spacing”, Shy-Hauh Guo, Timothy D. Corrigan, R.J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 22-26, 2004.
49. “Instabilities of Nanoporous Silica (NPS) During Plasma-Based Pattern Transfer and Subsequent Resist Stripping”, Xuefeng Hua, T. Kwon, R.J. Phaneuf and G. S. Oehrlein, P. Lazzeri, and M. Anderle, P. Jiang, Wen-li Wu, AVS 51st International Symposium, Anaheim, CA, Nov. 14-19, 2004.
48. “The Evolution of Surface Roughness During Homoepitaxial Growth on Patterned GaAs(001)-the Length Scale Dependence and Temperature Dependence”, Tabatha Joan Garrett1, Tabassom Tadayyon-Eslami1, Hung-Chih Kan3 and Raymond J. Phaneuf, Stability of Thin Films and Nanostructures, Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, November 29 – December 3, 2004.
47. “Length Scale Dependence of Evolution of Corrugations During High Temperature Annealing of Patterned Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces”, R.J. Phaneuf, T. Kwon1, and Hung-Chih Kan3, AVS 50th International Symposium of the American Vacuum Society, Baltimore, MD, November 2-7, 2003.
46. “Initial Amplification of Surface Corrugations during MBE Growth”, R. J. Phaneuf, The 63rd Physical Electronics Conference, Cornell University, June 16-18, 2003.
45. “Evolution of Surface Morphology of Patterned GaAs(100) during Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth”, Hung-Chih Kan3, Sonam Shah1, Tabassom Tadayyon-Eslami1, Raymond Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Austin, Texas, March 3-7, 2003.
44. “Decay of Patterned Structures During MBE Growth of GaAs and AlGaAs/GaAs Multilayers”, R.J. Phaneuf, S. Shah1, T. J. Garrett1, K. Limpaphayom1, and Hung-Chih Kan3, Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, December 2 – 6, 2002.
43. “Scanning Photoelectron Emission Microscopy Images of Band-Bending Across a Silicon PN Junction”, R.J. Phaneuf, H. C. Kan3, L. Gregoratti2, S. Guenther3, M. Marsi and M. Kiskinova, Third LEEM/PEEM Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, May 13-17, 2002.
42. “Photoelectron Emission Microscopy of Ultra-Thin Oxide Covered Devices”, V. W. Ballarotto3, M. Breban2, K. Siegrist2, R.J. Phaneuf and E.D. Williams, Third LEEM/PEEM Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, May 13-17, 2002.
41. “A Comparison of Stigmatically Focusing Magnetic Prisms of Square vs. Round Symmetries,” H.-C. Kan3 and R. J. Phaneuf, Third LEEM/PEEM Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, May 13-17, 2002.
40. “Time Response in Tunneling to a PN Junction”, PCSI-29: 29th Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, R.J. Phaneuf and J. Y. Park3, Santa Fe, NM, January 6-10, 2002.
39. “Dynamic behavior of carrier charge in silicon pn junction; STM and conductance study,” Jeong Young Park3, R. J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana March 18–22, 2002.
38. “Surface Characterization at the Nanometer Scale,” Center for Optoelectronic Devices, Interconnects and Packaging (COEDIP) Meeting, R. J. Phaneuf, University of Maryland, November 30, 2001.
37. “Field Induced Fabrication, Modification and Characterization of Nanodots on Silicon Surfaces with STM,” J.Y. Park and Ray Phaneuf, Arthur J. Sackler Colloquium on Nanoscience-Underlying Physical Concepts and Phenomena, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, May 18-21, 2001.
36. “STM Fabrication and Characterization of Nanodots on Silicon,” J.Y. Park, R.J. Phaneuf and E.D. Williams, Gordon Conference on Thin Films and Crystal Growth Mechanisms, Williams College, July 1, 2001.
35. “Images of Lateral-Band Bending Across Si PN Junction Surfaces using Scanned X-ray Photoemission Electron Microscopy”, R.J. Phaneuf, H. C. Kan, L. Gregoratti, S. Günther, M. Marsi and M. Kiskinova, Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA, April 16-20, 2001. 34.
34. “Topographical Contrast From a Patterned Semiconductor Substrate in Low Energy Electron Microscopy”, Hung-Chih Kan and R.J. Phaneuf, Materials Problem Solving with the Electron Microscope: Novel Techniques, Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA, April 16-20, 2001.
33. “Direct Imaging of The Depletion Region Of An Operating Pn Junction With Conductance Mapping”, Jeong Y. Park, R.J. Phaneuf and E.D. Williams, Si Front-End Processing-Physics and Technology of Dopant-Defect Interactions: Advances in Dopant Profiling, Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA, April 16-20, 2001.
32. “Characterization of Lateral PN Junctions Using Threshold and Scanned X-ray Photoemission Electron Microscopy”, PCSI-28: The 28th Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, R.J. Phaneuf, H.-C. Kan, L. Gregoratti, S. Günther, M. Marsi and M. Kiskinova, Lake Buena Vista, FL, January 7-11, 2001.
31. “Spatially Resolved Spectra and Energetically Resolved Photoelectron Images of Reactive Surface Phases and PN-Junctions”, R. J. Phaneuf, 1st International Workshop on Nanoscale Spectroscopy and its Applications to Semiconductor Research, Trieste, Italy, December 11-14, 2000.
30. “Scanning Photoelectron Spectromicroscopy and Microspectroscopy Studies of Silicon Surface Phases and Device Structures”, R. J. Phaneuf, 60th Physical Electronics Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, June 21-23, 2000.
29. “Field Induced Fabrication and Characterization of Au Nanodots on Ultrathin Silicon Oxide Surfaces”, J.-Y. Park, R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, American Physical Society March Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, March 20-24, 2000.
28. “PEEM Imaging of Dopant-Contrast In Si Devices”, V.W. Ballarotto, K. Siegrist, R.J. Phaneuf, E.D. Williams, Advances in Materials Problem Solving with the Electron Microscope, Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, November 30 – December 3, 1999.
27. “Traditional and Novel Applications of LEEM and PEEM,” R. J. Phaneuf, Synchrotron Elettra, Trieste, Italy, November 19, 1998.
26. “Using Surface Sensitive Microscopies For Characterizing Biased Devices”, Raymond J. Phaneuf, Margret Giesen, M. L. Hildner, Ellen D. Williams, Materials/Failure Analysis for Silicon ULSI Processing, Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA, March 31-April 4, 1997.
25. “Measurement of Device Structure and Character Using Novel Microscopies”, R. J. Phaneuf, M. Giesen, H. Ibach, M. L. Hildner and E. D. Williams, International Workshop (182nd W. E. Heraeus Seminar) on Challenges in Predictive Process Simulation, Wandlitz, Germany, August 17-20, 1997.
24. “PN Junction Characterization with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy,” M.L. Hildner and R.J. Phaneuf, American Physical Society March Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, March 17-21, 1997.
23. “Using Surface Sensitive Microscopies for Characterizing Biased Devices”, R. J. Phaneuf, M. L. Hildner, M. Giesen, H. Ibach and E. D. Williams,1997 Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA, March 31-April 4, 1997.
22. “Surface Phase Separations on Si(111) Surfaces,” R. J. Phaneuf, Surfaces and Science Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 15, 1996.
21. “LEEM Observations of Surface Phase Transformations for Co/Si(111)” , R. J. Phaneuf, P.A. Bennett, Y. Hong, and S. Horch, Fall meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, November 27-December 1, 1995.
20. “Kinetic Smoothing of Vicinal Si(111)”, H.-C. Kan, R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, 41st National Symposium of the American Vacuum Society, October, 1994.
19. “The Spinodal of the Faceting of Vicinal Si(111),” R. J. Phaneuf, N. C. Bartelt, E. D. Williams, W. Swiech and E. Bauer, Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, November 30-December 4, 1992.
18. “Phase Transitions Involving Doublings in Step Height and Vicinal Si(111)”, T.L. Einstein, T. M. Jung, R. J. Phaneuf, N. C. Bartelt and E. D. Williams, Division of Condensed Matter Physics Symposium, American Physical Society March Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, March 18-22, 1991.
17. “LEEM Investigations of Faceting of Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces,” R. J. Phaneuf, N. C. Bartelt, E. D. Williams, W. Swiech2 and E. Bauer, 37th Annual Symposium of the AVS, Toronto, Ontario, October 8-12, 1990.
16. “LEEM Investigations of Orientational Phase Separation on Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces,” 50th Annual Physical Electronics Conference, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, June 11-13, 1990.
15. “Relationship between (2×2) order and step height on Vicinal Ge(111)”, T. M. Jung, R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, Division of Condensed Matter Physics Symposium, American Physical Society March Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 12 -16, 1990.
14. “Equilibrium Behavior of Step Structure on Vicinal Ge(111)”, T. M. Jung, R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, 37th National AVS Symposium, Toronto, October 8-12, 1990.
13. “LEEM Investigation of Phase Separation on Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces,” R. J. Phaneuf, N. C. Bartelt, E. D. Williams, W. Swiech2 and E. Bauer, 37th National AVS Symposium, Toronto, October 8-12, 1990.
12. “Step Structure of Vicinal Ge(111), ” R. J. Phaneuf , T. M. Jung1 and E. D. Williams, 36th National AVS Symposium, Boston, MA, October 23-27, 1989.
11. “Orientational Dependence of Step-Reconstruction Interaction on Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces, ” R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, 48th Annual Conference on Physical Electronics, Brookhaven National Laboratory, June 6-8, 1988.
10. “Step-Reconstruction Interaction on Vicinal Si(111)”, R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, Division of Condensed Matter Physics Symposium, American Physical Society Meeting, New Orleans, March 1988.
9. “LEED Observations of the Orientational Phase Separation of Vicinal Si(111),” R. J. Phaneuf, seminar presented at the Laboratory for Physical Sciences, August 11, 1987.
8. “Phase Separation on Vicinal Si(111),” R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, 34th National Symposium of the AVS, Anaheim, CA, November 2-6, 1987.
7. “Surface Phase Separation of Vicinal Si(111),” R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, 47th Annual Conference on Physical Electronics, Asilomar Conference Center, CA, June 29-July 1, 1987.
6. “Step-Facet Transition of Vicinal Si(111),” R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, American Physical Society Meeting, New York, March 16-20 1987.
5. “Comparison of Laser-Quenched and High-Temperature Si(111) Surfaces, “R. J. Phaneuf and E. D. Williams, Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, December 1-6, 1986.
4. “A LEED Study of Ge(111);A High-Temperature Incommensurate Phase,” R. J. Phaneuf and M. B. Webb, American Physical Society Meeting, Detroit, March 12-16, 1984.